ACRYLITE® Military Grade Series are cell cast acrylic sheets designed for general aviation and helicopter window applications and is superior to standard cell cast acrylics in both optical quality and thickness tolerance. ACRYLITE® Military Grade Series consists of: ACRYLITE® GMU, ACRYLITE® GMS, ACRYLITE® GS 249, and ACRYLITE® Stretched. Advantages of ACRYLITE®:
- Excellent light transmission and brilliance
- 100% recyclability
- High weather resistance
- Easy fabrication
- Lightweight – about half the weight of glass
- 11x the impact strength of glass
Available ACRYLITE® Military Grade Products:
- ACRYLITE® GMU is used for applications that do not specify material certified to any particular aviation standard. It is manufactured and certified to meet the requirements of AMS-LP-391, Type I, Grade C.
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® GMU:
- Manufactured and certified to meet requirements AMS-LP-391, Type 1, Grade C
- UV transmittance <1%
- Resistant to thermal shock
- Excellent optical clarity
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® GMU:
- ACRYLITE® GMS is a cell cast acrylic sheet designed for general aviation and helicopter window applications and is superior to standard cell cast acrylics in both optical quality and thickness tolerance. This material meets and is qualified to prEN 4364 and MIL – PRF-5425 for use in the aviation industry. It has premium optical quality, dimensional stability, and extraordinary flatness and tolerance control.
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® GMS:
- Certified to aviation standard prEN 4364 and MIL-PRF-5425 and listed on the US Navy’s QPL
- UV transmittance <1%
- Resistant to thermal shock
- Excellent optical clarity
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® GMS:
- ACRYLITE® GS 249 meets and is qualified to prEN 4364 and MIL – PRF-8184 (Type I, Class 2). It has premium optical quality, dimensional stability, and extraordinary flatness and tolerance control.
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® GS 249:
- Certified to aviation standard prEN 4364 and MIL-PRF-8184 (Type I, Class 2)
- UV transmittance <1%
- Cross-linked acrylic sheet developed to withstand craze and weathering
- Higher resistance to media that cause stress cracking and a higher heat deflection temperature
- Excellent suited for stretching
- As MIL-PRF-8184 Type I, Class 2 material, it is also suitable for use in Type II and / or Class 1 applications
- Resistant to thermal shock
- Dimensional stability
- Excellent optical clarity
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® GS 249:
- ACRYLITE® Stretched meets and is qualified to prEN 4366 and MIL – PRF-25690 for use in the aviation industry. The stretched acrylic increases the resistance to crazing and solvent attack, as well as improves mechanical behavior.
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® Stretched:
- Certified to aviation prEN 4366 and MIL-PRF-25690
- Higher resistance to environmental conditions
- UV transmittance <1%
- Produced from ACRYLITE® GS 249, prEN 4365 and MIL- 8184
- Superior optical quality as well as thickness tolerances due to grinding and polishing of the material
- MIL-PRF-25690 Class 2 material, it is also suitable for Class 1 applications
- Resistant to thermal shock
- Excellent optical clarity
- Advantages of ACRYLITE® Stretched: