Port Plastics – Leading Plastics Distributor for Industrial Solutions

About Us

About Port Plastics: Your Trusted Partner in Industrial Plastic Solutions

With Port Plastics, we guarantee you will work with a well-qualified, experienced team with the know-how and resources to deliver solutions, technical support, and cost-effective material choices. You can rest assured that Port Plastics can fulfill your needs based on the following facts:

  • Port Plastics’ customer service team undergoes routine training in-house and with our top suppliers to keep you current on new materials and application ideas.
  • Their years of experience help you find effective materials options and avoid costly over-engineering.
  • They work with you to understand and deliver what you need in products, services, and the important area of documentation for your quality system.
  • Our solid working relationships with suppliers give you access to their technical support on advanced materials, complex applications, and fabrication techniques.