Semicon Scott

Stay ahead of the game with cutting-edge industry insights
Semicon Scott is the trusted and reliable source for technical advice and resources for all your Back End Testing, CMP, Wet Process, Vacuum Chamber Applications, and more. We are committed to keeping you informed and up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the global plastics industry. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing valuable insights that can help you improve your processes and stay ahead of the competition. With Semicon Scott by your side, you can be sure that you are getting the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
Dry Environment & ESD
Semiconductor Plastics A look into 2024
What's the difference between Antistatic and Dissipative?
Understanding CARBON NANOTUBE Technology for Electrostatic Control in Plastics
Dry Environment - The Role of Particulation in Semiconductor
Understanding Resistance Properties in Plastics
Staticon Transparent Antistatic Clean Room Glazing
Ensinger TECAPEEK ELS nano - Extruded Conductive CNT PEEK
Selecting the Right Conductive Engineering Thermoplastic
Visibility in your clean room! CORRTEC VINTECT PVC-CTHRU
Tremendous Value + Performance in ESD - Semitron® ESD 300 PET
PTFE with a Controlled Bleed - MCAM's Semitron® ESd 500HR
Static Dissipative
Protect that Devise! - Static Dissipative Plastics
FM-4910 Compliance
Where there is Fire there is Smoke! - FM-4910 COMPLIANCE
Transparency with FM 4910 Compliance! SIMONA BOLTARON® 4325
Wet Process
Chemical Resistance in Wet Process Tools
Selecting Products for Structural Wet Process Applications
PVDF - Super Polymer for Wet Process Tools!
PFA, the Melt Processable PTFE Solution!
Minimize Your Wet Process Waste! Tecaflon PVDF Large Tubes
Machinable PET for Semi Applications
It's Like Making a Swiss Watch Out of Jello... MCAM Semitron® PP
ECTFE - The Fluoropolymer Powerhouse
Plastic Performance in Oxygen Plasma with Vacuum Chambers
Back End Test
Stability on Steroids - Ensinger TECAPEEK CMF
Selecting Materials For Back End Test Sockets (Back End Test Part One)
Ability For Back End Test Sockets (Back End Test Part Two)
Dimensional Stability for Back End Test Sockets (Back End Test Part Three)
Hole Accuracy in Micro Machining Test Sockets
The Critical Properties for Selecting the Right Material for Your Test Socket Application
General Industry Information
The Effects of Moisture on Plastics
The Effect of IC Chip Miniaturization On Plastic Requirements
The Chemical Resistance of FLUOROPOLYMERS
Crystalline vs Amorphous - Step One in Plastic Selection
Understanding the Basics of Thermal Expansion as it Relates to Plastic
What's causing the Semiconductor Devise Growth?
Semiconductor Plastics - A Look Into 2023
When can PPS replace PEEK for cost?
What Exactly Is a Semicrystalline Polymer?
A Growing Problem - The Effects of Moisture on Plastics
The Role of "Copy Exactly" on Plastics ~ CE!
Defining Flexural Properties in Plastics
Tensiles: Strength, Modulus & Elongation